sexta-feira, 8 de abril de 2022

Newsletter No. 26 - Brazilian Science, Technology and Innovation News

   Commercial Office of Brazil            巴西商務辦事處
                 in Taipei 




Brazilian Science, Tech and Innovation News

                     Newsletter No. 26         April 7th, 2022
凡對本刊有興趣的讀者, 歡迎聯繫 巴西務辦事處 科技創新部 
(電話: +886-2-28357388 分機 26 / 電子郵件: 
Setor de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação do Escritório Comercial do Brasil em Taipé (Tel: +886-2-28357388 ramal 26 / E-mail: 

Going Beyond Generics, Brazilian Pharma Companies are Developing New Drugs and Going Global

The demand for new medications in Brazil has never been stronger. In this context, in order to expand beyond the production of generics, Brazilian pharmaceutical companies have become increasingly willing to risk on innovation and develop new drugs and treatments from scratch. Investment in research has grown 150% recently and now totals R$ 1 billion (US$ 214 billion). The goal of the industry is to attain greater international relevance, reports Brazil's business magazine "Exame".

Source: Magazine "Exame"


巴西科技部公告: 300萬美元支持開發鹽下層天然氣技術  Public Notice: US$ 3 Million in support to Develop Natural Gas Technology for the Pre-Salt
The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation has launched a public call for researchers and companies interested in developing technology that would allow for the monetization of the natural gas available in the "pre-salt" layer of Brazil's offshore oil fields.

Source: Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation - MCTI



巴西資訊科技 (IT) 產業在 2021 年擺脫危機:收入超過電信產業
Brazilian Information Technology (IT) Sector Steered Free of Crisis in 2021:
Revenues Surpassed Those of the Telecommunications Sector

The Information Technology (IT) sector of Brazil grew in all segments during 2021 and obtained revenues that surpassed those of the telecommunications sector, which should continue to be strong for the next five years, says a report released on March 23 by the Brazilian Association of Information and Communication Technology and Digital Technologies Companies (Brasscom).

Source: Tele Síntese
#tecnologiainformática #ti



Brazil Signs Agreement for Association with European Nuclear Research Center

Brazil is the first country in the Americas and the third non-European country to be an associate member of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), one of the largest research laboratories in high energy physics and particle physics in the world. With 23 member countries and 10 associates, the organization operates the world's largest particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).

Source: Agência Brasil

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